Monday 26 September 2016

User of a Space With Playful Elements But Monotonous Background


A combination of raw and modern design with a minimal approach applied with playful elements such as quirky wall and furniture design with a slight hint of colours in a monotonous background. 

While this space looks energetic and lively with all the playful design, the monotonous background gave me a calm and peaceful feeling. As mentioned before, a space's emotion and characteristics could represent the personality and identity of the user. If I were to describe the owner of this space, I would say that she is a female with an outgoing and cheerful person with a steady and reliable personality. Someone which is sometimes loud and noisy when hanging out with people but quiet and shy when it comes to meeting new people. Someone which is energetic and positive but may need some personal space. Someone who would love to spend time by herself, to do the things she love such as reading a book, travel alone, and is capable to handle herself well. More like an independent teenager with a playful personality.

Ou-Yang NaNa
Cellist, Actor
(Born on June 15, 2000)

A 16 years old Taiwanese teenage cellist prodigy in the classical music industry. Nana plays cello for six hours every day, and has done it since she was six years old. That dedication led to her being the youngest performer ever to make a solo debut in the National Concert Hall in Taipei, Taiwan, when she was just 12.

Nana was born into show business. Her parents are both successful actors in films and television in Taiwan. Her privileged existence led to music lessons as a kid where she turned out to be a natural. It was after winning prizes for her cello playing that she and parents started to take music seriously and to look at her innate gift as a talent that should be nurtured.

Just take a look at some of her accomplishments.  During one year when she was only 11, Nana became the principal cellist of the Century Youth Orchestra; won the grand prize at the Grand Tainan National Music Competition; the First Award at the Taiwan School Year 100 National Music Competition; joined the National Cello Institute Summer Festival in the US of A; graduated with a certificate of high distinction and was accepted to the Junior High music program at the National Taiwan Normal University; won other honors and figured in many acclaimed performances. Two years later, Nana became the youngest student to be admitted to the Curtis Institute of Music in the US with a full scholarship. She accepted, but after two years at the institution that trained the likes of pianist Lang Lang, Nana last year decided to suspend her studies to pursue one of her other passions: acting.

She announced in the summer of 2015 that she was leaving the Curtis Institute of Music, a move that found her in the middle of controversy. She was widely criticized online for what many saw as wasting a golden chance that many music students dream of, and her mother was compelled to post emails from the institute to dispel speculations that Ouyang had been expelled from the institute for attending too many business-related events.

Speaking about her two years at Curtis, Ouyang told the Global Times:

"It was the first time I studied abroad. When I lived there it was very real and nothing like a dream. Everyone was so in love with music, they didn't just teach me music but how to live life."

According to Ouyang, she is trying to find a lifestyle that fits her, and therefore, she has the right to study whenever and wherever she wants, at any time.

Fashion Style

Spending Time Alone

Spending Time With Friends



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